Fun On The Spot - family and friends

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Turning Santa Questions into a Teaching Moment

So, here we are in the middle of January with Christmas seemingly a distant memory. But no. Last night on the way home from swimming lessons, Jason (8) asks me why his twin brother's Foosball table looks exactly like the one he saw in the store earlier in the week. You see, TJ's table came from Santa.
Now, in answering this question I could have taken the easy road and explained it away by saying that Santa's elves can make anything in their workshop, yada yada yada... But instead, I decided to hunker down for a discussion about product licensing. "You see Jay, Santa sends his elves all over the world to visit people who make toys so that he knows exactly what children will be asking for." I went on to explain that Santa makes a licensing agreement with each of the toy manufacturers so that he can make the exact same toys that boys and girls see in the stores. We then had a 5 minute Q&A about how licenses work and why Santa and the toy companies would do such a thing.
In the end I was able to keep his belief in Santa intact by using real-world information that will stay with him long after his belief in Santa wanes. I would like to be a fly on the wall the next time the subject of Santa comes up among Jason and his friends to hear just how much of our lesson stuck.


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